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Welcome to the Women Workers' Health Wiki, a global knowledge hub on women workers' health policies, practices, research, and resources from around the world. Our special focus is on women workers in the global supply chains - the most vulnerable and fastest-growing worker segment in the global economy. We take a comprehensive view of women worker health and well-being, in line with the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and not limited to the typical scope of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH), the de-facto standard today.

We aim to develop a resourceful, authoritative, accessible, and agile knowledge community, building on the strengths of our diverse global network of actors and organizations that have implemented health and well-being programs and policies, benefiting workers, companies, local communities, and countries. We aim to connect the civil societies and policy advocates from different parts of the world to promote collaboration and innovation in women worker health and well-being.

Please join us and contribute! Your constructive criticism is encouraged!

We invite you to explore our workstreams, projects [?????], organizations, and people and through them discover a wide range of publications, tools, resources, and potential partners, collaborators, and mentors. Please also tell us about your challenges and needs so that we all can find ways to solve problems and empower each other. Please share your own knowledge, perspectives, and expertise so that we can build a critical mass of resources and intellect to enable network synergies and force multiplier effects for the benefit of the most disadvantaged and underserved workers, especially women in the global supply chains.

[SUGGESTION 1: Explain effectively why focus on Health of the Women Workers in the Global Supply Chains - why only women, and why only the global supply chains]

Women form a significant portion of the global supply chain workforce, especially in labor-intensive industries like retail apparel, electronics and agricultural exports. Their contribution is often overlooked, and internal factory processes and wider systems have historically been suited only to male workers.

The emphasis on the health of women workers in global supply chains is not about excluding other gender identities at the workplace, rather about recognizing and addressing specific challenges women face. Historically, women have been disproportionately affected by various forms of discrimination and biases. Women workers' experiences have been uniquely shaped by systemic gender biases and cultural barriers.

Women workers face unique health risks, concerns and require solutions and systems that cater to their needs. Factors like inadequate maternal health support, limited access to reproductive healthcare, and the unequal workload of being a worker at the factory and often a caregiver at home impacts their wellbeing.

The complexities surrounding workers in different countries, their political and legal frameworks, and cultural contexts, further exacerbates the challenges faced by women workers. This requires a nuanced approach by companies that address system inequality and barriers while recognizing the importance of universal health and wellbeing rights of women workers.

[SUGGESTION 2: Perhaps a more gradual transition from the objective broad worker health agenda to the women worker health focus, as explained in the intro paragraphs above]

[SUGGESTION 3: There are many deficits in worker health in general and it is important not to neglect/conceal those if you want to be perceived as non-biased and constructive. Only in relation to this general context can the women worker health issues be properly explained, accepted, and supported as an objective, non-biased priority that doesn't cause any neglect to the other common acute deficits...]

[SUGGESTION 4: That is why I would first put below the section on Workplace Health Beyond OSH and then the section on Why Workplace Women’s Health as a Focus]

[SUGGESTION 5: I would also explain what ESG and other abbreviations are... perhaps a section?]

[SUGGESTION 6: Well-Being when written with a hyphen is easier to discern and comprehend because the double small "L" and a "B" that follows create a very unusual combination... UN websites say Well-Being ]

The Previous Resource-Oriented Knowledge Base version of this Wiki

  • whwiki (suggestion: right-click and Open Link In New Tab)

Why Workplace Women’s Health as a Focus?

[Separate Page/Box on Home page]

[SUGGESTION 7: I definitely suggest this box to be removed and its content, in a very condensed version, included in the main intro text - WHY? Because this info is for one-time reading and comprehension, and really for repeated reference... so it should not consume the very valuable visual bandwidth of the Main Page]

Women’s health, including reproductive health, is a typically under-appreciated [or unacknowledged] feature of the work life and professional growth of women. This is particularly true of poor women in the supply chains of major brands, manufacturers, and producers. [ UNCLEAR MEANING: And it is true for many organizations that deal business’s role [???] in gender equality, women’s empowerment, labor and OSH rights, ESG and living wages. ]

[DW: Millions of women workers in the low- and middle-income countries, and the practices of manufacturers and producers that shape their overall health status and access to health products, services and information. The question is what is the role of companies in ensuring the overall health rights of their own workers and workers in their supply chains.... [to be continued]]

What its means for business to Address Workplace Health Beyond OSH?

[Separate Page/Box on Home page]

[SUGGESTION: I would title this section as " Workplace Health Beyond OSH " and start in the general context and then would mention the specific business-specific context ]

While Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is critically important, it is focused primarily on safety and workplace-related illness. Yet, the impact and influence of the workplace on worker health goes beyond physical boundary of the worksite defined by OSH. The workplace is a “social determinant” of women and men worker’s overall health. This falls squarely in the area of business requirement by the UN Guiding Principles to respect workers’ health rights, which encompass more than just OSH.

Occupational health and public health represent the divided mind of health world. While OSH focuses on physical safety and preventing accidents, a wider and more holistic approach includes elements like reproductive health, mental health and well-being, maternity support, access to primary health care, and protection against gender-based violence and discrimination.

Links to key docs:

  • Berkeley Law Review article
  • Blogs?


Our community concentrates its efforts in the following workstreams [are we going to embed some operational elements into this content? Why are we really mentioning the workstreams? ] :

  • Research and M&E on Workplace Health
  • Global Policies in Workplace Health
  • National Policies in Workplace Health
  • Programs in Workplace Health and Well-Being
  • Workplace Clinics and Health Staff
  • Assessment Tools and Measures
  • Publications [is this really a workstream?]
  • Organizations [is this really a workstream?]
  • Companies [is this really a workstream?]

And here is a detailed breakdown of the workstreams:

  • Research and M&E on Workplace Health
    • Overview of issues and challenges
    • Business case/ROI for workplace health
    • Benefits to women and men workers
    • Environment and worker health and well-being
    • Data holes
      • sex disaggregated data
      • data on workplace health professions
    • Research organizations on workplace health/wellbeing
      • Harvard Shine
      • Tufts Labor Lab
  • Global Workplace Health Policy
    • Overview of issues and challenges
      • Major publications on this topic ?
    • Global Sustainability and ESG Policies
      • EU
      • ILO regulations on gender-based violence
    • Voluntary Principles
      • UN Global Compact Principles
      • Women’s Empowerment Principles
    • Investors and financial institutions
  • National Workplace Health Policy
    • Overview of issues and challenges
    • Country Women’s and Worker Health policies/regulations
      • Bangladesh
      • Cambodia
      • Philippines
  • Workplace Health and Well-Being Programs
    • Overview of issues and challenges
    • Topics [this might just get wrapped into intro]
      • Collective Action
      • E-learning & Virtual Training
      • Management practices?
    • Countries
      • Bangladesh
      • Cambodia
      • Egypt
      • Ghana
      • Haiti
      • India
      • Lesotho
      • Pakistan
      • Philippines
      • Vietnam
  • Workplace Clinics and Health Staff
    • Overview of issues and challenges
    • Areas
      • Workplace clinic and health professionals
      • Management practices [links in both workstreams?]
      • Insurance
      • Telehealth
      • Worker management committees
  • Assessment Tools and Measures
    • Overview of issues and challenges
    • Types of Tools
      • Frameworks
      • Survey instruments
      • Assessments
        • ICRW
        • UN Global Compact Gender Gap Assessment
      • Rankings
  • Publications [is this really a workstream?]
    • [SUGGESTION: Categories and sub-categories, and then chronological lists under each category or sub-category]
    • Bibliography extension - the more established is BibManager, used to store BibTeX data
    • Let's come up with the bibliography form
    • Bibliography extension - the less established, provisional, but more feature-rich one is can:
      • Import bibliography information from several sources, including server-based BibTex bibliography databases, online services, and other web pages.
      • Generate numbered references integrated with the <ref> and <references> tags of the Cite extension and used as a standard in Wikipedia.
      • Store bibliography information for single items in a separate MediaWiki namespace for easy import and annotation.
      • Display bibliography entries using a half dozen different citation styles.
      • Provide APIs for the user to define their own data sources and citation styles.
      • Fully backward-compatible with Biblio, the old and now archived extension
      • and more... see the extension homepage
    • Preliminary categories
      • Reports
      • Policy Briefs
      • Project Briefs
      • Activity Briefs
      • Case Studies
      • Articles
      • Books
      • News Stories
  • Organizations [is this really a workstream?]
    • BSR HERproject (now with RISE)
    • Care
    • Engenderhealth
      • Ethical Apparel Africa
      • ICRW
      • IPPF & Affiliates
        • Family Planning Association of India
        • Danish Family Planning Association
        • Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia
        • Ethiopia Family Planning Association
        • Manaus
      • Meridian Group International, Inc.
      • MSI Reproductive Choices (formerly Marie Stopes International)
      • Reproductive Health Network Kenya
      • Pathfinder
      • Population Council
      • RISE
      • UNFPA
        • Bangladesh
        • Cambodia
        • East Asia/Pacific Office
        • Philippines
      • UN Foundation
        • Universal Access Project
  • Companies [is this really a workstream?]

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